Accidental Storyteller

brene brown vulnerability

An Accidental Storyteller

Brené Brown & The Power of Vulnerability

For someone who struggled to see herself as a Storyteller she has engaged tens of millions through curiosity, imagination and narrative .  Storyteller and Researcher Brené Brown examines the issues of worthiness and vulnerability.  Her 2010 TEDx Houston speech  has been viewed over 50 million times.  So much good stuff to unpack including the origin of the word Courage. 

The word courage comes roughly from Latin word  meaning to ‘tell your story with your whole heart’.

To all of us who struggle with our own vulnerabilities and doubt there is one especially important observation of her research: ‘The people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they are worthy of love and belonging.’

A big recommend to join the growing fan base of Brené and her research. 

Be well, stay safe, keep sane….